A four category system for planning your maternity leave

I recommend using a four category system to plan how the key functions of your business will continue running while you are in milky mama-baby land. So, grab your list of things you do on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, and let’s dive right into the categories. Keep in mind you could, at this point, assign several possible categories to each function, but ultimately, the goal is to select one way to take the function off your plate while you take your leave.



What can have the human element removed from it so that it can run with no (or relatively little) oversight on your part? This likely includes things like a scheduling system (remember to block out your leave time and set your availability to your new schedule), payment processing, email sequences, and your maternity leave auto-responder.



Block out a (few) workday(s) to hammer out content that will carry you through your leave and then some. This might be batch recording podcasts episodes, newsletters, videos, graphics etc. If you can batch enough to take you past your maternity leave and cover the first few months when you return that is ideal. Think 6 months to a year’s worth of content. I know, it seems like a lot now, but the sleep deprived new mama side of you will thank you.  If it’s not possible to do it all yourself, never fear, the last two categories are just for that.



Hand off what you cannot do yourself to someone on your team. Scheduling social media or formatting and publishing content are great examples of what you can pass along to someone like a VA. When delegating, give yourself a buffer and training time: you will need to teach your team member how you want things done. No time for that? Choose the next option.



If you want to be totally hands off – outsource it to a professional you specializes in the task. For example, there might be a ghostwriter aka professional copywriter who will take the time to learn about your audience, your voice your message, and write in a way that resonates with your community.


Remember, the more that you can take off your plate in preparation for leave, the easier this will make not only your time away from your business, but your return to work. There’s no wrong way to categorize, the biggest hurdle is just getting started!


If you’d like some support, feel free to get in touch to see if working together may be what you need.


Want more resources about planning your leave? Check out Chapters 2 & 3 of The Expecting Entrepreneur.